Our Priorities
Our Top Needs for 2024
Every year the Listowel Memorial Hospital makes a list of equipment or projects it needs help with. It can be a renovation, a piece of equipment, or something else.
Here's what we need your help with in 2024

Current Need | Amount |
Vital Signs Monitors | $155,833 |
Cardiac Monitors | $10,000 |
New Cushions and Covers for Inpatient Rooms | $5,000 |
Bariatric Commode | $1,000 |
Bariatric Wheelchair | $6,000 |
Stretchers and Mattresses | $19,000 |
Glidescope | $32,000 |
New Scopes for OR - Gastroscope & Colonoscope | $75,500 |
Cytoscopes and Containers | $23,200 |

Heroes Need Thanking Too
The LMHF donor wall recognizes the important gifts given by donors like you. We’re so proud to showcase the generous support given by the residents and businesses of North Perth.