Make a Donation
The Listowel Memorial Hospital Foundation needs your support. Your donation helps people in need have access to the care they require, close to their home. It also enables our doctors, nurses, and staff to continue to offer the best care possible.
Ready to Give Back?
How Can I Donate?
Clicking on a link below will move you quickly to that section for more information.
A Gift in Honour of a Friend
This is a thoughtful way to honour a loved one’s special occasion or celebration. The person being honoured will be notified that a donation has been made in recognition of their special occasion. The amount of your gift will not be mentioned and you will receive a tax-deductible receipt.
An Annuity
Annuities are available for special circumstances allowing you to make a significant gift to the hospital immediately in exchange for lifetime security. Using the donor's gift, the foundation purchases an annuity. The annuity provides a source of lifetime income for the donor. At the time of death, the foundation would receive the remainder of the investment.
Become a Corporate Donor
The LMHF hosts events each year and we canvas our local businesses for support. If you’d like to become a corporate sponsor, please contact our Foundation administrator.
A simple way to leave a charitable legacy is to name the Listowel Memorial Hospital as a bequest in your will. It’s a great way to make a significant and lasting difference to a cause you care about.
Your bequest can be a fixed amount or a percentage of what is left after taxes and other costs have been paid. Your estate will receive a donation receipt for the amount of your bequest, which can offset income taxes owing. The donation receipt can be used in the year of death or carried back to the previous year, and offset up to 100% of net income.
Of course, your family and dependents should always be your priority. However, due to the favourable income tax treatment, a bequest can effectively redirect some or all of the funds that would otherwise have gone to pay taxes. If you could choose to give a portion of your estate to the government or leave a gift to the hospital, which would you prefer?
We recommend you consult a lawyer and other financial advisors to ensure your will is properly drafted. We also suggest having your children involved in the decision-making so they can also celebrate their parents' goals of making a difference in their community.
Cash donations can be made in person at the Foundation office, located at 255 Elizabeth St. E, Listowel, Ontario. We are located on the bottom floor of the Listowel Hospital.
Please make your cheque payable to Listowel Memorial Hospital Foundation.
You can bring your cheque donations to the foundation office or you can send them by mail. Please mail your donations to:
Listowel Memorial Hospital Foundation
255 Elizabeth St. E.
Listowel, Ontario
N4W 2P5
Credit Card
You can make a donation by credit card at the Foundation Office, by phone, or you can send in your donation by mail. We ask for your credit card number and the expiry date. Your information will stay private; the Listowel Memorial Hospital Foundation adheres to the privacy policy.
Gift of Real Estate or Property
A gift of real estate lets you make a large donation without using liquid assets. If your principal residence is given, no taxable capital gains are triggered. You have two options when you give real estate. First, an outright gift would result in a tax receipt for the fair market value of your property. Alternatively, you may give the property but retain the right to reside in the home (this requires that the property be irrevocably transferred to the foundation). In this case you would continue to pay all costs related to the property. The actual transfer of the property occurs when you desire.
Host a Fundraiser
A fundraiser is a great way to support the Listowel Memorial Hospital Foundation. If you want to plan one, we can help make your fundraiser a success by promoting it at the hospital and by including it in our foundation newsletter. Please call the LMHF office at 519-291-3125 x 6224 to let us know what you have in mind.
In Memory of a Loved One
Honouring the life of your loved one with a donation is a wonderful way to remember someone special. Make your donation online, in person at the foundation office, or while attending a visitation or service at a funeral home, including Eaton Funeral Home, Brenneman’s Funeral Home and Listowel Community Family Funeral Home.
Legacy Giving
Individuals can choose to leave estate gifts at the time of their death. For some, it is a way to ensure that their memory lives on. Or it’s a good way to mitigate the tax implications of transferring one's estate to surviving relatives. Leaving a bequest in your will to the Listowel Memorial Hospital Foundation is an ideal way to make a difference to the health of our community.
Life Insurance
A life insurance policy is an easy and uncomplicated way to make a planned gift. The beneficiary of the policy is the Listowel Memorial Hospital Foundation and the insurance proceeds at death are not included in the value of your estate. This will reduce the probate fees otherwise payable by the estate. You will receive tax receipts for the annual premium you pay. Or you can transfer an existing policy to the Foundation and a tax receipt will be issued for the cash surrender value, plus each subsequent premium payment you can make.
Marketable Securities
Gifts of securities, like publicly traded stocks or mutual funds, receive a very favourable income tax treatment. The government has eliminated capital gains tax for securities transferred directly to registered charities. You will receive a donation receipt for the market value of the security, just as though you had made a donation of cash.
For example, if you transfer securities to the Foundation worth $5,000, not only do you not have to pay tax on any capital gain, you will receive a donation receipt for $5,000 that you can use to reduce your income taxes.
We recommend reviewing your charitable donation plans with your financial advisor.
Monthly Gifts
Be a champion of healthcare all year long. A monthly donation is a more manageable way to give a generous gift.
Donate 12 times a year
You'll only get one tax-deductible receipt each year for the full value of your monthly contributions
Monthly donations can be made by Visa or post-dated cheques.
Join our pool of enthusiastic volunteers who help the LMHF at fundraising and special events. If you have time to give, we’d love to add your name to our volunteer list. Please email or call the office with your contact information, availability and any ideas or special skills you’d like to share.
Looking to volunteer? Contact our Foundation Administrator for more information.
With Canada Helps
Canada Helps is a charity that facilitates the processing of donations to your favourite Canadian charities. When you give through Canada Helps, you fill out a secure form with your information, decide if it’s a one-time gift or recurring monthly donation, and your method of payment. Canada Helps accepts credit cards, PayPal, or a Canada Helps gift card. You can also decide to make a donation in memory of or in honour of a friend or loved one.
Make a donation through Canada Helps right now.

Giving Back Is Who We Are
Our foundation began in 1989 and has supported Listowel Memorial hospital ever since. The board of directors keeps our foundation on track to achieve its goals.